Gorilla Groups in Virunga National Park
Gorilla Groups in Virunga National Park
Gorilla Groups in Virunga National Park are the different families in which gorillas are grouped and groomed as they grow up as a family. Virunga national park consists of 8 gorilla group’s that is kabirizi, Humba, Rugendo, Mapuwa, Lulengo, Munyaga, Nyakamwe and Bageni
Kabirizi Gorilla Group
Kabirizi group is one of the few gorilla families in Virunga that are exciting and was previously known as ndungutse, a name it had acquired from its leader ndungutse a dominant silverback. Silverback Ndungutse was a giant humble silverback who lead the group for a long period of time until his assassination in 1997, Ndungutse was killed after he was caught in a crossfire in a battle betweeñ Democratic republic of Congo army and a rebel group at bukima patrol station. After the death of Ndungutse, the group was changed to kabirizi as an honor to ICCN director who lost his life in a traffic accident in late 1990s. Today kabirizi gorilla group consists of 19 group members under the leadership of a humble powerful silverback kabirizi, kabirizi was a wild gorilla habituated by 1998. Thought silverback kabirizi is a powerful leader he is currently facing stiff competition from masibo a young silverback. Trekking kabirizi gorrila is an exciting activity which begins from Bukima patrol post.
Humba Gorilla Group
Humba Gorilla Group is a split gorilla group from Rugendo gorilla group, this family is a group of 9 family members under the leadership of dominant silverback Humba. Silverback Humba is a son of silverback Rugendo a firmer leader of Rugendo gorilla group, Humba was the lead silver who spearheaded other members into leaving rugendo gorilla family to firm their own group in the names of Humba gorilla group named after him. Silverback Humba is also a brother to Senkwekwe silverback and currently the group is one of the most peaceful gorilla group with no leadership challenge. This is one of the best gorilla groups in Virunga to Visit.
Rugendo Gorilla Group
Rugendo gorilla group is one of the oldest mountain gorilla groups in Virunga national park, this group is a mother group for most of the gorilla families in the park as it is where mist silverbacks come from. Silverback coming from rugendi gorilla family and are sons to Rugendo gorilla group include humba, senwenkwe, mapuwa,
Originally rugendo gorilla group was composed of 18 members under the leadership of silverback Rugendo, during he leadership of Rugendo the group fenced occurrences of power struggle where Humba fought with his father in 1998.the fight resulted into the split of Humba from the group with other 9 members, the group was left with 8 family members. Currently the group consists of 9 family members with an additional sub-adult member who was grabbed from mapuwa gorilla group, the group is under the leadership of silverback Bukima.
Mapuwa Gorilla Group
Mapuwa Gorilla Group is a group of 22 family members under the leadership of silverback Mveyekure, initially the group was under the leadership of silverback Mapuwa. Silverback mapuwa was a son to silverback Rugendo, he split away from his father’s Rugendo group in 1998 to form his own with 2 adults females Jichi and Mafaze he left with when leaving the group. Silverback mapuwa was known for continously enganging in fights and through these fights he acquired more members to the group and the most notable incident is when he stripped Pilipili a strong silverback off all the members leaving him alone in 2002. Mapuwa gorilla group is usually found in Jomba near Bunagana on Congo – Uganda border by trekkers.
Lulengo Gorilla Group
Lulengo gorilla group of Virunga national park was formerly known as Musekura group however the group’s name was changed to Lulengo after a dominant silverback in the group and in remembrance of virunga national park’s technical director who list his life to a land mine.Lulengo gorilla group consists of 9 members under the leadershi of silverback lulego, silverback Lulengo is a born member of Rugabo gorilla group the first habituated gorilla group in virunga national park. Rugabo gorilla group was under the leadership of silverback Rugabo and the father of silverback Lulengo, Rugabo was unfortunately shoot by poachers in the great lake refugee crisis.Lulengo gorilla group is found in Jomba area of virunga national park near Bunagana (the Congo – Uganda border)
Munyaga Gorilla Group
Munyaga Gorilla group is a group of 7 group members found and trekked in the bukima sector of virunga national park, munyaga gorilla group was habituated by 2010 and named after its then leader silverback munyaga. The group is a fortunate group to receive a birth if twins by adult female Bilal who joined the group from Rugendo group, unfortunately the twins died at I fanf stage. Munyaga gorilla group’s leadership has went through various silverbacks, the group was initially led by silverback munyaga who was succeeded by silverback Mawazo, silverback mawazo was succeeded by silverback Gasore who is the current leader if the group
Nyakamwe Gorilla Group
Nyakamwe Gorilla Group is among the newly habituated gorilla groups in virunga national park together with Bageni gorilla group, this group currently consists of 12 family members under the leadership of silverback Nyakamwe. Nyakamwe gorilla group is apparently the second-largest gorilla family in virunga national park and the Democratic republic of Congo and it is the most peaceful gorilla family with no signs of power struggle.
Bageni Gorilla Group
Bageni gorilla group is a group of 26 group members which makes it the largest gorilla group in virunga national park. The bageni gorilla group is under the leadership of a dominant silverback Bageni who the group is named after. Due to the large number of family members and having more than 1 silverback, there is occurances of power struggle in the group between bageni the leading silverback and other two silverbacks kanamaharagi and kitagenda.
Virunga national park consists of 8 gorilla group’s that is kabirizi, Humba, Rugendo, Mapuwa, Lulengo, Munyaga, Nyakamwe and Bageni
Kabirizi Gorilla Group
Kabirizi group is an exciting gorilla family in virunga national park previously known as ndungutse, a name it had acquired from its leader ndungutse a dominant silverback. Silverback Ndungutse was a giant humble sikverback who lead the group for a long period of time until his assassination in 1997, Ndungutse was killed after he was caught in a cross fire in a battle betweeñ Democratic republic of Congo army and a rebel group at bukima patrol station. After the death of Ndungutse the group’s was changed to kabirizi as a honor to ICCN director who lost his life in a traffic accident in late 1990s. Today kabirizi gorilla group consists of 19 group members under the leadership of a humble powerful silverback kabirizi, kabirizi was a wild gorilla habituated by 1998. Thought silverback kabirizi is a powerful leader he is currently facing stiff competition from masibo a young silvetback. Trekking kabirizi gorrila is an exciting activity which begins from Bukima patrol post.
Humba Gorilla Group
Humba Gorilla Group is a split gorilla group from Rugendo gorilla group, this family is a group of 9 family members under the leadership of dominant silverback Humba. Silverback Humba is a son of silverback Rugendo a firmer leader of Rugendo gorilla group, Humba was the lead-silver who spearheaded other members into leaving rugendo gorilla family to firm their own group in the names of Humba gorilla group named after him. Silverback Humba is also a brother to senkwekwe silverback and currently the group is one of the most peaceful gorilla group with no leadership challenge.
Rugendo Gorilla Group
Rugendo gorilla group is one of the oldest mountain gorilla family in Congo and virunga national park, this group is a mother group for most of the gorilla families in the park as it is where mist silverbacks come from. Silverback coming from rugendi gorilla family and are sons to Rugendo gorilla group include humba, senwenkwe, mapuwa,
Originally rugendo gorilla group was composed of 18 members under the leadership of silverback Rugendo, during he leadership of Rugendo the group fenced occurrences of power struggle where Humba fought with his father in 1998.the fight resulted into the split of Humba from the group with other 9 members, the group was left with 8 family members. Currently the group consists of 9 family members with an additional sub-adult member who was grabbed from mapuwa gorilla group, the group is under the leadership of silverback Bukima.
Mapuwa Gorilla Group
Mapuwa Gorilla Group is a group of 22 family members under the leadership of silverback Mveyekure, initially the group was under the leadership of silverback Mapuwa. Silverback mapuwa was a son to silverback Rugendo, he split away from his father’s Rugendo group in 1998 to form his own with 2 adults females Jichi and Mafaze he left with when leaving the group. Silverback mapuwa was known for continously enganging in fights and through these fights he acquired more members to the group and the most notable incident is when he stripped Pilipili a strong silverback off all the members leaving him alone in 2002. Mapuwa gorilla group is usually found in Jomba near Bunagana on Congo – Uganda border by trekkers.
Lulengo Gorilla Group
Lulengo gorilla group of virunga national park was formerly known as Musekura group however the group’s name was changed to Lulengo after a dominant silverback in the group and in remembrance of virunga national park’s technical director who list his life to a land mine.Lulengo gorilla group consists of 9 members under the leadershi of silverback lulego, silverback Lulengo is a born member of Rugabo gorilla group the first habituated gorilla group in virunga national park. Rugabo gorilla group was under the leadership of silverback Rugabo and the father of silverback Lulengo, Rugabo was unfortunately shoot by poachers in the great lake refugee crisis.Lulengo gorilla group is found in Jomba area of virunga national park near Bunagana (the Congo – Uganda border)
Munyaga Gorilla Group
Munyaga Gorilla group is a group of 7 group members found and trekked in the bukima sector of virunga national park, munyaga gorilla group was habituated by 2010 and named after its then leader silverback munyaga. The group is a fortunate group to receive a birth if twins by adult female Bilal who joined the group from Rugendo group, unfortunately, the twins died at Infant stage. Munyaga gorilla group’s leadership has went through various silverbacks, the group was initially led by silverback munyaga who was succeeded by silverback Mawazo, silverback mawazo was succeeded by silverback Gasore who is the current leader if the group
Nyakamwe Gorilla Group
Nyakamwe Gorilla Group is among the newly habituated gorilla group’s in virunga national park together with Bageni gorilla group, this group currently consists of 12 family members under the leadership of silverback Nyakamwe. Nyakamwe gorilla group is apparently the second-largest gorilla family in virunga national park and the Democratic republic of Congo and it is the most peaceful gorilla family with no signs of power struggle.
Bageni Gorilla Group
Bageni gorilla group is a group of 26 group members which makes it the largest gorilla group in virunga national park, bageni gorilla group is under the leadership of a dominant silverback Bageni who the group is named after. Due to a large number of family members and having more than 1 silverback, there is an occurrence of power struggles in the group between bageni the leading silverback and the other two silverbacks kanamaharagi and kitagenda.