Distance between Virunga and Kigali

Distance between Virunga and Kigali

Distance between Virunga and Kigali

Distance between Virunga and Kigali : When one is thinking of travelling to the DRC, the biggest question will be how they get there. Well, DRC is a very big country; actually the biggest in Africa and the national park are very far from the major international airports.

It is for example about 60 hours from the capital Kinshasa to the Virunga national Park.

Therefore if you are to travel to this park, you have to find alternatives on how to get to this park either by chartering a flight or use a nearby airport in the neighboring countries and move the rest of the distance by land.

You have the option of the Entebbe airport in Uganda and travel by land through the Bunagana entry point or Mpondwe. This is usually viable if your safari goes through Uganda and you are not just driving though for the sake.

Most of the people prefer flying into Kigali and then if the flight is early you can then move by land to the Rwanda Congo Boarder a distance of about 3 hours.

You can choose to sleep over in Kigali and travel early the next day, by special taxi this distance should be about USD 100. Other people who have limited time may choose to charter a flight direct to the Virunga national park.

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