Bukima Tented Camp
Bukima Tented Camp
about bukima tented Camp is just gorillas. It is locatEverything ed adjacent to the Virunga park Boundary. This camp was initially a research station and today it is the main starting point for tracking gorillas in Virunga national park.
Just like its name, guests around this camp sleep in tents but considering camping standards these tents are classy and luxurious with big size beds and suite facilities.
The views are just magnificent in and around the tents. They are dominated by Mountains Mikeno whose peak goes up to the gorilla division, across the valley is Nyiragongo the Active volcano with its lava lake colors that light up the sky with a red glow.
At times the gorillas wander into the camp and this never ceases to impress the guest.
The gorillas are always trolled by park staff and there is no reason to fear for your safety but as always you have to be on the lookout since this is in the wild and anything can happen.
An interesting feature near the camp is a lava tunnel which has created a good sized cave, a must for anyone with an urge to do a spot of spelunking in the Congo.